Abir Kopty's Blog مدوّنة عبير قبطي

You will never be free until you respect the freedom of others

An insult to Arab Spring: Palestinian bloggers denied visa


12 Palestinian bloggers where invited to attend the 3rd Arab bloggers meeting in Tunisia. They will NOT make it, after denied entry visa by the Tunisian embassy. This is an insult to the Arab Spring.

This event, which started today October 3rd and continues until October 6th, gathers tens of bloggers from around the Arab world.

I wonder: do not Palestinians also have the experience to share and the right to learn? Are Palestinians part of the Arab world or not? Do not they have enough of Israeli siege and movement restrictions so they will have further restrictions imposed by Arab regimes?

The Palestinian bloggers, some of them are from the occupied territories since 1967 and some are from Israel (known as 48 Palestinians) were all denied visa to Tunisia. The reason that has been given by Tunisian Ministry of Interior for the denial of visa to Palestinian bloggers is that Organization ‘Nawaat’ who invited them and conference itself are not licensed. So we wonder how come all the other Arab participants received visa to unlicensed event?

Wajd Bouabdellah , Tunisian blogger and great friend from twitter, declared boycotting the event, as an act of protest and solidarity. And here is her post explaining her decision

For me, Arab spring is not only about changing the regime; it’s also about changing the practices of the regimes, who worked hard to separate us, because Arab solidarity and unity are a threat to their stability. It is also about having the power to fight any injustice.

This is a call for Arab participants in the conference to make a clear stand against the exclusion of the Palestinian participants, and show solidarity with them. Let us refuse to be silent.

On October 4th the organizers of the Arab bloggers meeting issued an official statement 

And here is online petition, circulated today October 5th.

Author: abirkopty

Writer, blogger and journalist.

12 thoughts on “An insult to Arab Spring: Palestinian bloggers denied visa

  1. تحية للمدونين الفلسطينيين من المدونين العراقيين
    يا فرحتي بملتقى المدونين العرب في تونس الخضراء بربيع الحُرية الحمراء.. “ما نجمش نعبر” و “كيف روضتنا المعرفة على اعتياد الجريمة”


  2. تحية للمدونين الفلسطينيين من المدونين العراقيين
    يا فرحتي بملتقى المدونين العرب في تونس الخضراء بربيع الحُرية الحمراء.. “ما نجمش نعبر” و “كيف روضتنا المعرفة على اعتياد الجريمة”


  3. What is needed in the Arab world is for the Arab spring to march on and uproot the whole old corrupt Arab system of business as usual. The whole misguided and bought systems must go. Palestinians have been struggling for decades and will continue. For Tunisian authority to deny permission of entry for those brave Palestinians is a shameful and despicable act and must be confronted at all levels, Where is the PA when you need them!!!!!!


  4. We (Arab and non-Arab participants alike) are absolutely issuing a statement. Working on it now.



  5. Pingback: An insult to Arab Spring: Palestinian bloggers denied visa | Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

  6. this is my post http://wp.me/psxDM-eT about Tunisian embassy didn’t grant the 12 Palestinian participant a visa to attend the 3rd Arab bloggers meeting


  7. Pingback: Borders Vs. Bloggers « خربشات بيروتية

  8. Pingback: Tunisia: Palestinian Bloggers Denied Entry to Attend Arab Bloggers Meeting · Global Voices

  9. Pingback: Tunisia: Palestinian Bloggers Denied Entry to Attend Arab Bloggers Meeting | Freedom Developers

  10. Pingback: Bloggers versus Borders: Palestinian activists denied entry visas to “free” Tunisia | Emaj Magazine

  11. Why didn’t Tunisia allow Palestinians to join the conference? It’s very important for me to understand the reason for that. Thanks.


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